When help and advice offered to those in power falls on deaf ears and cold hearts, when those who can make a difference refuse to learn from others who know better and have done better, perhaps it’s now time to pray for the safety of all animals, to pray for innocent lives who have been needlessly sacrificed due to the ignorance (and sadly, arrogance) of some humans. It’s also time to pray for wisdom and empathy in those humans who can make a difference.
It’s time to pray for strength and love. Let’s hope that our collective prayer can make a difference.
Meanwhile, please do the practical to safeguard our animals too. Share useful information widely.
Speak up. Do. Pray.
3 responses to “The rabies situation: Pray for the animals and the humans”
Our proposals or offer to help might not b bothered by heartless human, but God is definitely listen to us, yes, pray and do whatever is necessary and whatever we can.
Today I look at my pet and I feel I love him more than ever and never felt so blessed in my while for the God given special gift. But in my heart I am grieving and broken hearted for his species being hunted and killed in the northern state. It is not their fault being the species that they are but they they are being punished for it.
I have vaccinated my pet although there is no rabies alert in our state. I have consulted several vets and one vet opinion make the most sense to me. The vet whom also specialiises in exotic animals said it could be a wise move for me to get my pet vaccinated as she has seen bats flying around in residential areas in the city!
Yes, I vaccinated my pet not because of fears of stray dogs and cats that I sometimes see but the bats that got my alarm bell ringing. It is not the bats fault that they have migrated from their natural habitat to the city.Very likely their habitat had been destroyed by humans in the name of progress. It is not their fault that they are the vehicles of transmission of the disease… It us humans in our quest for wealth and progress and greed.. The only thing I can do is pray that the act of cruelties toward my pet species canine and felines will stop immediately and people who has sealed their fate come to their senses and hear the expert opinion in dealing with rabies..
The writing is on the wall…remember Greece cruel killings of stray dogs before the bankruptcy …and Nepal great earthquake …by killings of thousands of innocent animals in the name of cultural practice and faith…
Hi Joyce,
I absolutely agree with you particularly the last paragraph. Yes, there is a cause and its effect and those are just a few of numerous evidence based human disasters relating to animal cruelty.
Justice will Prevail!.
May all beings be well and happy!