I did not expect Vincent to eat again until tomorrow, but at 3pm, he came into the kitchen to look for me.
He wanted food!!
So I offered, but no, it’s not correct.
What did he want then?
He went outside to the trolley and sat there.
Oh, did he want to eat there?
So I brought some canned food out – No.
Raw food? It’s a long shot, but why not?
Yes, he ate!!
This is an unexpected bonus meal!
I stood by with more raw meat and also a bowl of canned food, in just case. But Vincent only wanted raw meat. No canned food this round.
Okay…sure, sure.
I’m wondering if his cue to eat is me coming back home….because I went out for awhile to the bank this afternoon and after I returned, he came to look for me.
Is my returning home a cue for him to eat?
Let’s test this out tomorrow.