‘Tis time again to thank everyone for the kind and generous donations and support for our work.
Special thanks too to everyone who supported Jon Tham and Adrian Yao’s noble efforts in cycling all the way from Lumut to raise funds for us. The total funds raised was RM11,556.00! These donations go directly into our Neutering and Vaccination Fund.
We are also particularly delighted that there has been a marked increase in contributions towards the Double Charity Donation. This means that more shelter and community animals are getting quality petfood. They definitely deserve it!
This month’s neutering aid:
Number of animals: 27 (16 dogs and 11 cats) More doggies!
Amount paid out: RM2760
Recipients of the Neutering Aid: https://animalcare.my/category/aid-neuter/
This month’s vaccination aid:
Number of animals: 5 (1 dog and 4 cats)
Amount paid out: RM125
Recipients of the Vaccination Aid: https://animalcare.my/category/aid-vacc-med/
This month’s Double Charity petfood Donation by private donors, to community animals and shelters: RM9850.84
Recipients: https://animalcare.my/category/aid-food/
Please note that all donations received are used to provide aid for neutering and vaccination only. The Double Charity petfood donation is from private donors to the caregiver/feeder/shelter of their choice.
If you’d like to support our work in helping street and rescued animals by making a donation, we would be so grateful.
Other ways to contribute:
By purchasing merchandise from our Gift Shop: http://animalcare.my/gifts/
By purchasing petfood and donating to shelters/rescuers/feeders: https://animalcare.my/food-aid/ (so that shelter and community animals will get a treat of quality petfood!)
This month’s donors:
Anonymous donors
In memory of Mr Chan Kam Loon
Adeline Lim
Agnes Cheong
Ahmad Amir Kamil
Avant Pet Sdn Bhd
Belle & Freya
Bunny & the Cow Clan
Carol Chong Saw Kan
Chiang Chun Wai
Foo Heng Chin
Ivy Yap
Ivy Yap Siew Moey
Jennifer Wong
Joy Elia Saga
Kathleen Tan
Kenneth Kuan
Khao Yen Ling
Khoo Jia-Wen
Khoo Ming-Yi
Kok Khee Wee
Koo Hoong Lin
Kyo Ikuyo
Lee Lai Fun
Leong Sau Yee
Marianne Edwina
Mong Looi
Mr Zurik & Friends
NandaLeonie Hong Siew Lan
Nikki Nadda Spisa
Norashikin Othman
Ong Shwu Chen
Penny Loke
R Wynne
Rose Loong
Tabs & Friends
Tan Kwee Lin
Tan Lai Fun
Tan Ping Ping
Tan Tay Thye & his karmic debtors
Vicky Soh
Wan Tai Seng
Yap Shyan Le
Yeong Wei Lean