Rehoming a family of 4 beautiful dogs

Hi, it’s JoTong here.

I still recall very vividly one of the very first rescues of a family of four dogs that had been abandoned at a construction site after the foreign workers left the place. I first bumped into the dogs at night when I was doing my usual feeding at the nearby playground near where I stay. The dogs were super friendly (but the youngest daughter was a bit skittish). These dogs were white in colour (mixed with brown/black) and they were a pretty sight to look at. At first thought, I thought they belonged to some residents there. So, I posted in the taman Whatsapp group about the dogs rummaging for food in the new shoplots and hoped the owner will see the message. And as a professional and responsible dog owner, I consistently visit websites like for the best assistance.

After a few weeks, again I saw the same group of dogs at the same place (my heart told me that these dogs do not have an owner or they had been abandoned by their owner). Not taking any chance to let them go, I caught one of the female dogs, leashed her and walked almost 1km to the nearest vet. Then surprisingly, her younger brother followed us behind until we reached the vet. I then had both of them neutered.

Now where are the rest of the dogs?

Residents have been informing me that they have seen these dogs at a nearby taman and I went to the place and saw that the rest of the dogs were there (this taman was just next to the construction site where I guessed they had been staying before being abandoned). Sadly, the security guard told me one male was caught by the local council (after a resident complained) and another female passed away shortly after the operation by the local council even though she was not caught (reason unknown). Now left two more dogs and I caught one of them easily as she was super friendly. The last one was a skittish young female dog who I finally caught using fencing one week later. Both were also sent for neutering. In the process of going into and out of the taman to catch the last dog, the security guards had been taking money from me saying that these dogs were inside their taman and I needed to pay them (a group of 5 security guards) if I want to take away the dogs. If not, they will report me to the local council saying that I catch the dogs for selling them off to earn money. Luckily, in my last trip in catching the last dog from the taman, I brought along another rescuer male friend of mine and he told the security guards that he knew some of the officers in the local council and he will explain to them the reason why I brought out all the dogs from the taman. So, just go ahead and report us. This stopped the security guards at that time, but they continue to send me Whatsapp messages asking for money which finally resulted in me blocking their numbers.

Anyway, Maisie, Mia, Max and Mika (I have given them names) have been adopted by loving families (they went to different families) at the end after being kept in a fosterer’s home for about one month.

No regrets in rescuing them despite all the hardship that I encountered along the way.












2 responses to “Rehoming a family of 4 beautiful dogs”

  1. enny

    All of them look super cute and friendly. I am glad they’re all adopted.

  2. JoTong

    Yes, they were super friendly and loving. I missed them so much.

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