Kinta Dog is living at the shelter in Ipoh

Some of you might remember Kinta Dog:

In November 2022, a lady from Ipoh sought our help to rescue Kinta Dog whom she thought had TVT. Being so far away, there was nothing we could do. So our friend contacted Persatuan Pencinta Haiwan Kinta and Mr Lu took on this case and rescued Kinta Dog.

They then sent Kinta Dog for treatment and we raised RM1,315.00 to cover the entire treatment and boarding costs. It wasn’t TVT, but a prolapsed uterus that needed surgery to repair. And there were some complications after that which needed to be addressed before she was finally discharged.

We actually did not have provisions then to cover the costs at all. We only sought for help because the lady who alerted us said she would follow up on the case and that she only needed rescue help. The follow-up did not happen, so we had to take responsibility for it because we asked for help. It wouldn’t have been fair to let Persatuan Pencinta Haiwan Kinta foot the entire bill.

Thankfully, we were able to raise the funds then.

After discharge, Mr Lu took her back to their shelter for further recuperation. The plan was to release Kinta Dog once she is fully recovered.

I contacted Mr Lu today to ask about the situation in Ipoh after reading a news article about possible TNRM being carried on there.

We got talking and Mr Lu informed me that Kinta Dog is still at the shelter!

They have decided to keep her at their shelter for good, which is definitely safer for her!

Thank you so much, Mr Lu and Persatuan Pencinta Haiwan Kinta!

                                               Kinta Dog, looking good!






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