I definitely need time to grieve and mourn the loss of Cleo.
But there was work to be done last night, it is as always, AnimalCare work and I decided to do them, in memory of Cleo. There are caregivers to help, animals to help; the work doesn’t stop. There are a lot of behind-the-scenes work to be done in AnimalCare and some cannot be reported or shared in respect of the privacy of the humans involved.
So I did what needed to be done, all in memory of Cleo.
There was also the task of sorting out Cleo’s medication, deciding which can be given back to the clinic to help other animals, which can be passed to Cow and Indy who have similar issues with Cleo. As I was doing it, it felt so sad. I had to clean Cleo’s Tupperwares. I have a colour code for our cats and Cleo’s colours are red and pink. The red and pink Tupperwares are empty now. But whatever Cow Mau and Indy could use, I’ve placed them in their respective Tupperwares. Saddest was having to peel off the sticker with Cleo’s name on certain containers. But I know these are just inanimate reminders. I am ready to let them go because the real precious reminders are already kept deeply in my heart – all the 16 years 8 months 4 days of lovely and joyful memories that Cleo has given us; they will never be forgotten.
As I sifted through the thousands of blog entries, there are so many photographs of Cleo. Every photograph brings back a joyful memory.
Later today, there’s all the washing of Cleo’s sheets as well. I’m ready to do this task too. I don’t need to wait. Everything that’s important is in my heart.
Now, I’m waiting for the florist to open to get some flowers for Cleo.
Forever missed. Never forgotten. Forever treasured.