On rainy days like nowadays, Gerald gets hungry very quickly.
So at 3pm today, he started mewing loudly for food at our window sill.
Jayden was fast asleep in the nursery (that’s our converted living room) and he was about to wake Jayden up with his nonstop loud demanding mewing.
So I had to quickly pacify him by giving him and Misty some canned food.
But what do you know, a few minutes after eating, he started mewing again!
Gosh, how much can you eat, Gerald?
He was waking Jayden up again, so I had to quickly feed them both a second time.
By then, the Monsters already complained that it was unfair that Gerald and Misty could have not one, but two meals, at 3pm!!
“What about us???”, they said. “It doesn’t just rain for Gerald and Misty, you know, we experience the rain too, we can be hungry too…”.
Well, to be fair, the Monsters were definitely not complaining, they were just all sitting at the screen door, giving me their most pitiful look of pleading.
Ok, ok, I gave in and decided to feed them…at 3pm. This is definitely not within the dinner window at all.
So, they ate.
That’s at around 3.30pm.
Then, when it came to the normal dinner time, I only went to feed everyone at Bunny’s Place. Gerald and Misty had already eaten. Ginger and the Monsters had already eaten too.
But after I finished feeding everyone at Bunny’s Place, I came out of the room and guess what…
Ginger and the Monsters were at the screen door again…with that pleading look. “Please feed us, we are all so hungry…”
Hello, you boys (and Mdm Minnie) have already eaten a full dinner, remember? Yes, it was earlier than usual, but it was still a FULL dinner.
But no, they pleaded, so out I went again to feed all the Monsters.
Just how much can you fellas eat? It was just barely two hours ago that you all ate a FULL meal.
And there you go, sapu habis jugak!
With Smurfy asking for more!
AND…Creamy came over during the “proper” meal time, and asked for food. So, Gerald and Misty ate with him…again! They just ate two hours ago too – a full meal!
So this is how it works. Our cats’ appetite is triggered by…me.
The sight of me plus me holding their food containers, most likely. Plus, knowing that some other cat nearby is feasting! These two factors are the appetite triggers for our cats.
I’ve tried it before on rare occasions, where I ask someone else to feed them. They won’t eat. They also won’t eat even if my husband tries to feed them. Never mind if it’s meal time. They won’t eat. Their appetite just isn’t triggered.
They have to see me holding their food containers, then they will eat.
This is why most pet parents don’t go for holidays, right? Can’t have our pet starving themselves while we are gone!