China police rescues more than 1000 cats from slaughter and being sold as pork, mutton, beef

The news:

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It’s nothing new in China. Their people are known to eat practically “anything”. The horrific Yulin Festival is still on every year despite protests and rescue efforts by international organisations. Dogs and cats (even pets) are kidnapped for this festival and rescue groups have to intercept the trucks ferrying these poor animals to the slaughter area.

This time it is more than 1000 cats being kidnapped. Animal activists discovered it and reported it to the police who took action. Kudos to the police for taking action.


Animal lovers on Oct 12 alerted police to a “cat car” – dealers in trucks who hunt cats and sell the meat as food – in Zhangjiagang, a county in Jiangsu province’s Suzhou city, Chinese daily The Paper reported.

The animal lovers had been tracking the cat car for nearly a week, having discovered dozens of wooden crates containing around 20 yowling cats each in a cemetery in the eastern coastal province.

After spending six days staking out the cat den and the paths that the dealers took, the group of animal activists managed to intercept the cat car on the road and called the local police for assistance.

The cats were en route to a slaughterhouse, where they would be butchered and made into food such as skewered meat and sausages passed off as pork, mutton or even beef, according to the activists.

“As long as there is something to be gained, a profit, there will be people who do whatever it takes,” Gong said, adding that people buying the meat would be none the wiser.

So, they kidnapped cats to be slaughtered and masqueraded as pork, mutton or even beef, all for profit through deceit.

Humans will be humans. Deceit, trickery, selfishness, greed are all human traits.

As you read this and are horrified by the extent of selfishness and greed of such humans, do please also spare a thought for the billions of animals that are bred for slaughter and slaughtered daily in abattoirs around the world.

We can all eat less meat and the killing will reduce. The suffering will reduce. It is a simple concept of supply and demand.

We eat less, they breed and slaughter less.

Go green. Eat food. Mostly plants.






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