I starting noticing yesterday evening that Indra wasn’t herself.
She skipped dinner (which is rare and has never happened before because Indra always eats a lot at every meal). But actually, she has not been eating a lot for a few days now. She still ate, but just not a lot and I left it at that, thinking she has decided to eat less. But yesterday evening, she skipped dinner entirely.
Then I saw her passing out blood-tinged stools, but only a little bit.
This morning, again, I saw her passing out bloody jelly. There was actually no stool, just bloody jelly.
This tiny bit.
She refused to eat. But I also found these:
There were about 4 of such spots in her usual spot. I syringed up some stool sample for the vet.
Luckily and coincidentally, our vet (who has already left the clinic now, bound for overseas) texted to ask about Indy, so I managed to get some advice for Indra too.
So based on her advice, I gave Indra Promax at 8am, offered some food at 9am which she totally refused and I didn’t force. Then, at 10am, I gave her 2ml of Kaolin Pectin. Since then she hasn’t eaten at all and had just been sleeping. I offered a little Hill’s ID at 1am, but she flatly refused to eat it too. So I force fed her one teaspoon, albeit her protest. It’s been too many hours being without food already.
In the early morning, she was still able to jump up the platforms.
But she wasn’t as active as her usual self. Poor Indra.
She still came for Indy’s subcut, doing her nursing duties.
Getting some manja time with her mom, Samantha.
She was very angry that I force fed her the ID, so she went to hide in the tunnel and Kai accompanied her.
Later, she slept in the pantry.
Now, I have Covid-19, so I could not take her to the vet. I wrote down all her symptoms and gave it to husband to take Indra to the vet. The vet called me right after the consultation.
Indra’s temperature is normal. Her alertness is also good.
The vet suspects this is due to some inflammation in the large intestines or some bacteria overgrowth in there which Promax would be able to address. But Promax should only be given for a maximum of four days otherwise it might result on constipation. So just three more days of Promax since I’ve already started her on it today.
The vet also gave Indra a B-12 injection at the clinic as well as transdermal Mirtazapine (appetite stimulant) and Tramadol (painkiller) and said she should be eating on her own after she returns. If she still doesn’t, I would have to force feed her ID.
Indra was also dewormed again today. Her last deworming was on 14th Sept 2023, just two months ago.
The vet says Indra doesn’t need antibiotics yet. But if conditions persist tomorrow, I should start her on the antibiotics (already provided on standby).
Her PBF showed nothing significant and the fecal exam only showed inflammatory cells.
So, Indra is back home now.
She still didn’t want to eat, so I force feed her a little bit of ID. Couldn’t give her much as she bites me. Fierce little thing, this girl.
Back home.
When everyone came for dinner, I offered Indra some food too, but she just sniffed at it and walked away. I offered Coco&Joe’s (her staple diet) and kibble (which she never eats, anyway, but who know?), but she refused them all.
I offered some Cubgrub and she started eating. As you can see from this video, she ate for about one minute.
She did not finish this small amount, but the fact that she was willing to eat on her own is already a step in the right direction.
The vet did ask if she drank any dirty puddles of water or ate any lizard, insect or cockroach. Well, it’s hard to monitor as they roam freely in Bunny’s Place and we do have soil, grass, earth and yes, puddles from the rain and various kinds of small bugs.