Gerald’s worrisome lightening flanks

I’ve noticed recently that both sides of Gerald’s flanks have been lightening in colour, from his radiant ginger stripes to a very light colour.

I did a search on Google and it says it’s sometimes normal that cats’ pigmentation undergo changes; it could be caused by harmless genetic mutations or even life-threatening diseases.

Gerald doesn’t stay in our porch anymore nowadays. He seems to have found some other place to stay. I too have not been doing my morning walks much with so much work to do every morning. So I only see him during meal times.

He eats, but not as much as he used to.

So I’m worried.

I have an appointment for three of our cats tomorrow (Cow Mau, Rey and Indy) and they are all foll0w-up revisits. But it’s at 12noon. I won’t be able to call Gerald back at that time as I don’t know where he is. Also, the slot is booked only for three cats and I’ll have to ask if I could slot Gerald in IF I can catch him. Maybe catch him in the morning, but where to put him?

If the vet can see him, I will figure something out. Otherwise, I would need to make another appointment separately for him on a later date, but not too late.

The thing with free-roaming cats is we won’t know where they have been, what they have eaten outside, etc. so we cannot give a detailed or accurate history to the vet. That’s the price to pay in looking after CNRM-cats. They get their freedom to live naturally as a cat without much restrictions, but if and when they get sick, it can be such a headache.

The lightening of the fur colour is on both sides of the flanks.

One thing at a time now. I need to get Cow Mau, Indy and Rey rechecked to make sure their conditions are on the mend first. Then, there’s Indra whom I hope to see progress.

I hope the vet can slot Gerald in, but I would have to find a way to retain him from 7am until 12noon.

Have you experienced this kind of lightening of the fur colour at the flanks before with your cat?  If you have, I would deeply appreciate any thoughts, sharing or ideas, please.

I have seen 12 years of balding in Cleo, a problem that resolved itself…after 12 years! And the occasional shedding and balding in Tabs, which is solved by a spot-on.


Creamy is fine.

Misty is fine too, but my husband insists her body colour is changing from her classic tortoiseshell to more ginger because of her constant association with Gerald!


Jayden is back at our house after 5-6 days!!

He’s so excited with his new books!

Can you see Akira?






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