I am not imagining this.
After the very first subcut, Tabs’ appetite has improved.
So fast?
Yes, I’m not imagining it.
So the elevated creatinine and BUN must have been making her feel uncomfortable for weeks now, hence, the reduced appetite and tonight’s first ever 200ml subcut must have made her suddenly more comfortable with the much-needed hydration.
That’s basically what subcut fluids do for CKD cats, it makes them more hydrated and therefore, more comfortable.
It was the same when Indy was started on subcut this September the day he was diagnosed at Stage 3 CKD. His appetite improved by leaps and bounds after that.
Tabs has since asked to graze three times! “Grazing” here means asking to snack!
The vet also asked me to monitor her SRR (sleeping respiratory rate) before and after each subcut session because Tabs also has a heart issue.
About 3.5 hours after the subcut, her breathing rate was 20. Now, after 5 hours, it’s 16. That’s good.
The thing with SRR is that it can only be observed when the animal is in DEEP sleep.
Goodnight, Tabs! Sweet dreams.
I’ve started Tabs on all of Indy’s kidney supplements tonight except for the Renal-P as Tabs does not have a high phosphate reading. I think I should start Ginger on Kidney Support Gold too as he has a kidney cyst and will eventually also end up with kidney issues.
I should get some sleep now.