I wish we could find a human doctor who is as good as our vet!
And I honestly have half a mind to consult our vet for myself the next time I’m sick.
Anyway, we are talking about Cow Mau’s previous stubborn brown eye discharge and his mouth pain.
After 3 rounds of the very expensive Solensia injection, I saw no improvement. So we decided to stop trying and instead, resort to the above. Gentamycin eyedrop for his brown discharge, Oral-Relax Gel (a new product from Taiwan) for his mouth pain and transdermal Gabapentin (0,2ml) daily for the pain.
It is working like a miracle!
Look at Cow Mau now. No more eye discharge at all! Paws all clean because he doesn’t have to paw his mouth anymore, which is indicative of much, much lesser mouth pain!
And clinically, he looks so much better too!
The next time I’m sick, I’m going to consult my vet!