I didn’t dare push it, but I thought I sensed Cow Mau wanted food again and this time, I was right!
I prepared 3 mls of Japanese food and 4ml of diluted Hill’s KD.
He finished all plus an additional 1.5ml of water!!
Initially, he tried to fight it off, but after 2 syringes, he didn’t fight anymore. He just swallowed it all.
He is resting now. Rest is good. The oxygen nasal cannula is nearby too.
When he has had enough oxygen, he will move away. And when he wants oxygen, he comes back to under the bed.
We are communicating!
After reading up on the pros and cons of IV-hydration, I understand that sometimes IV-hydration can be counter-productive especially when Cow Mau has the tendency of fluid accumulation due to his heart condition. Eating food is good. Drinking fluids is good. This is safer in certain cases.