Keeping vigil beside Indy

The Blondies and I are keeping vigil beside Indy now.

Indy is sleeping quietly. His breathing is regular and not laboured at all.

He is at peace.

This probably did not happen suddenly. But Indy showed absolutely no signs. However, at Stage 4 CKD, there really is nothing more we could do.

I requested enough painkillers to keep him as comfortable as possible. The vet had also given him something to stop the vomiting (Ranitidine and Maropitant).

He is sleeping very peacefully now.

The vet says we might need the oxygen concentrator too, so I’ve ordered that but being a Sunday, it won’t arrive until this evening.

I was all alone with Indy this morning when everything happened so suddenly and unexpectedly. Sometimes, there is just no warning at all.

We thank you very much for your kind wishes.






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