With Cow Mau and Indy gone, the entire house has suddenly become so, so quiet.
Even though we still have 12 cats living in the house, it’s still so…empty, even though I need to fix some damaged rain gutters, is okay because I got a service to help me with this.
And it wasn’t that Cow Mau or Indy made much noise. In fact, they did not. But they created a formidable aura about them that somehow made their silent presence so powerfully significant.
Now, it’s a vacuum. It’s quiet. It’s too empty.
Samantha is at the far end of the garden, on the right side. That used to be Cow Mau’s favourite earthing spot. Kai and Indra are near the wooden bench on the left.
It was only after Cow Mau’s demise that Indra dared to enter the other cage in the pantry. Before that, it was Bunny’s, Cleo’s and Cow Mau’s. No Blondie dared to enter it.
Akira has occupied the platform of Cow Mau’s cage. And the top of this cage used to be Indy’s favourite spot. Samantha went up on it today.
There is a dignified respect being observed in Bunny’s Place.
I feel such an emptiness because all of a sudden, we have no more elderly cats in Bunny’s Place. They are all gone now. There’s only Samantha and her daughters occupying Bunny’s Place.
It was also all quiet in Ginger’s Catio today. The Monsters were all very well-behaved and no internal fight broke out.
All quiet.
All mourning our loss by bestowing the respect and dignity befitting of our greatest elders.
I miss Cow Mau and Indy so much….