I managed to resolve Kai and Akira’s loose stool problem, but not Indra’s.
Early this morning, I found several spots of loose stools, so I sifted through the CCTV playback to identify whose it was. It was Indra’s.
Hence, I took Indra along with Tabs to the vet’s today. Better have her checked.
As it turned out, Indra has a fever. Her ears were really hot and her temperature was 39.3 degrees.
Luckily I brought her!
But she’s still as active as ever. And also eating well.
A fecal examination showed a lot of bacteria in her stools, her intestines are also very gassy and her tummy is bloated.
Because of the fever, the vet suggested that we check her for pancreatitis. I agreed. Leave no stones unturned.
So, blood was taken and luckily, the fPLI test was normal which means there is no pancreatitis.
The most specific blood test for pancreatitis is known as feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity, or fPLI. This tests for a marker specific to the pancreas, and concentrations are usually increased with pancreatic inflammation.
If I may digress a little bit, pancreatitis is a very serious condition in humans too. Aggressive treatment is needed. It’s the same for cats.
One of my human relatives was down with severe pancreatitis and was hospitalised for many, many weeks and had to undergo many surgeries.
Indra’s kidney readings are also normal but the ALT (one of the liver readings) is slightly elevated. But this is acceptable given her tummy upset. Her globulins is also high, indicative of some infection.
So, Indra was given a Metacam and Methycobal injection and prescribed Metrogyl antibiotics for 8 days. She was also prescribed Pro-Fibre for 10 days and Promax probiotic for 3 days.
Actually, the loose stools have improved from yesterday’s jelly-like stools. On the right is the CCTV footage. I had tried steamed pumpkin and even Bioflor and if these don’t work, it’s time to see the vet.
Indra is home and zooming around, as usual.
Get well soon, Indra. And please don’t each cockroaches anymore.
I suspect this is all due to the cockroach-eating tendency of the Blondies. They are natural hunters.