Misty invited herself into the house today!
My ultimate aim is for Misty to want to come and live inside the house on her own. Right now, her best friend is still Gerald and Gerald doesn’t want to live indoors.
In fact, this morning, at 1.30am, Gerald was whining from the back row of houses. It was his nonstop whining. His whining woke me up but I was simply too tired to come down to feed him. Moreover, he wasn’t here, he was at the back road. I did hear Misty mewing softly, as though telling him to come to the porch.
And finally, at around 2am, he came to our bedroom window and whined the loudest. Husband was awakened and warned him sternly, “Gerald…”. And he stopped.
That’s it? Just one word?
That was it.
The next time I got up, it was 5.30am, to the sound of silence.
Both Gerald and Misty were not in the porch so I fed the rest.
Misty came back at about 6.45am.
I opened the door and she came in to eat.
After eating, she explored around the house and went upstairs. I was busy cleaning up so I did not follow her up.
She came down on her own later and wanted to go into the Catio.
Believe it or not, she’s not intimidated by the Monsters. Tabs and Riley don’t even dare to step into the Catio when the door is wide open.
But then again, Misty is not afraid of anything, is she? She can hold her own.
She hissed at the two Monsters on the other side of the door. What a cili padi!
Then she came to Bunny’s Door.
Come in, Misty.
Back to Bunny’s Place to lepak a little.
To use the sandpit, and what beautiful poop!
I wish Indra had this kind of poop!
Then she asked to go back out. But all in, the orientation lasted about an hour, which is pretty good.
Gerald came back much later but he wasn’t hungry at all.
That means he had already been fed by someone else, or he had found food somewhere.