How to avoid accidentally spaying pregnant dogs (a sharing)

There are always new dog caregivers who would like to know to avoid accidentally getting pregnant dogs spayed.

I asked JoTong, one of our applicants who have done so many dog neutering, for tips. JoTong is also our TagTeam member.

Here’s what she says:

On heat yes. Can see from their engorged vagina. Blood droplets from their vagina. Males seems to like to follow the female around. This is when we know we need to catch those females. Those [visibly] pregnant female, we will not catch them. Let them give birth first.

When we first started, some vets did not inform us if the dogs were pregnant. But slowly as we remember our dogs when we start the neutering, we will take note of those who had just given birth so that we will catch the mama once the puppies can eat kibbles and rice.

Of course we have dogs who were abandoned at our area as we also don’t know whether they are pregnant or not. But we notice those who are in early pregnancy will have protruded teats.

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When I catch female cats and send them to the vet’s, I would always ask the vet to palpate (our vets are able to detect the fetuses even in very, very early pregnancy) or, if needed, then to do an ultrasound. This happened with Pole, Minnie and Samantha. All were in very early pregnancy when I first took them to the vet’s with the intention of getting them spayed. Even though vets would normally advise terminating the pregnancy especially when at an early stage, I decided to let them give birth first. It is a personal choice and a responsibility since I would have to take care of all the kittens after that.






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