Found Gerald!!!

I have found Gerald!!!!!!!

But he is limping and he feels hot. Will be taking him to the vet’s as soon as they open today.

This morning, Creamy was sitting atop my car, waiting for breakfast. For a moment there, I thought it was Gerald, but no, it was Creamy.

I fed Creamy and asked him to help me get Gerald home. Maybe he knows where Gerald is. This is the Japanese Method – asking the street cats to help you find your lost cat. I had been doing that since yesterday, actually. I even did the Chinese Method aka the Kitchen God Method.

We had been thinking that someone could have kidnapped Gerald and taken him somewhere else. Otherwise, there is no way that Gerald would not come back. There had been no road accidents in the whole area too. So we really thought someone had taken him. The thought that he could be injured and hiding did not even cross my mind. All I could think of was: Gerald will definitely come back if he is around.

I went for my walk and as I was approaching our house, I started looking out at the rooftops again, and sending telepathic messages to Gerald.

Then, just as I passed my house, I saw a ginger cat sitting under the neighbour’s car, two houses away, parked by the roadside.

A ginger cat!! Was it Gerald? I called and called out his name but he wouldn’t budge. It’s not Gerald. Gerald would definitely come out to me. So I went nearer and sat down on the grass.

I looked closer and yes, it was Gerald!!!! I kept coaxing him to come out but he wouldn’t budge. That’s when it occured to me that he could be injured. Oh dear…

It’s Gerald, alright. That’s his right ear V-notch. I kept coaxing him, but he refused to move. He was too far in from the front of the car, so I finally went to the side and just managed to drag him out. I half-expected him to be aggressive (if injured), but he wasn’t at all. I got him, and quickly carried him back home.

Offered him his favourite chicken gizzards, but he didn’t want to eat. Then, we put him down on the floor and that’s when we saw him limping.

We decided to put him back in Bunny’s Place with the Blondies. The Blondies were very concerned.

Gerald went to pee in the litter box.

Then, I force-fed him some raw food (which he ate willingly) and syringed water into his mouth. He appeared to be slightly dehydrated.

Then, he jumped up onto the bed. Gerald feels warm to the touch too. I’ll be taking him to the vet’s as soon as they open this morning.

Manja boy, Gerald.

I’m so glad I found him!

We now think he could have just been hiding at this neighbour’s house since he went missing. It is just two houses away and she has a lot of boxes in her porch – the perfect place to hide. Poor Gerald. I wonder how he got that limp.

We will know more after the vet examines him.






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