I woke up at 5.45am this morning so that I would have some time with Juno.
True enough, it took me 50 minutes to coax her to eat! She must be female then; she’s eating like a Blondie. Definitely not like our Monsters!
But the good news is that I was greeted with the litter box full of urine and a long piece of well-formed faeces. Yay, this means Juno can urinate and defecate on her own and she did. That’s an important milestone. And Juno knows how to use the litter box; it’s instinctive (unless it was the Blondies – remember how hard it was to litter box-train them?)
Juno was mewing at me the moment I opened the door too.
Good morning to you too, Little One!
She wasn’t particularly hungry and could only eat small amounts at a time, so all in, it took me 50 minutes to get her to eat about 1.5 teaspoon of Cubgrub. She would eat a little bit, then walk around, then I would have to coax her again to eat. Using a teaspoon helps too. As well as adding water to the food. She seems to like that.
Nice well-formed poop! I checked for worms but did not see any. Juno was dewormed yesterday. Being able to urinate and defecate is a great thing.
She’s communicating with me and establishing a bond. Such a sweet little kitten.
In between eating, she mews a lot as we walks about. Is it as though she is looking for someone, maybe her mother, or her sibling. Poor little thing. I held her close to my heart and she settles down.
I wish she had a sibling for companionship, being so young, but I still have to quarantine her for at least two weeks. Hopefully, she has no medical issues and later, Riley can be her companion. Riley has been sitting by the door, waiting for instructions “to help”. This morning, even Tabs came up and waited outside the door.
What is your story, Juno? We will never ever know.
But what matters is, you are safe now.