Gerald’s temperature is down

The vet updated this evening.

Gerald’s temperature is finally down to 37.5 degrees now.

But his glucose has gone up to 12.3. Could this be due to the stress from the wound cleaning? I hope so.

A PBF has done this evening and Gerald’s WBC is still elevated.

The vet would like to do another blood test to check for FIV/FeLV since Gerald is an outdoor cat. The one done in December 2022 when I first caught him for neutering (the day he mated with Samantha) showed that it was negative, but it’s been more than a year now, living outdoors. It might explain why his immunity is low.

I really hope he isn’t FIV or FeLV positive, but we will deal with it if he is.

We have had quite a number of FIV+ cats, namely, Tiger, Rosie, Bunny, Cow Mau, Misty, Hiro and Ginger. Ginger is currently our only FIV+ cat. I’ve only handled one FeLV+ cat and that was Baggy. Baggy was fostered by me, along with her sister, Baloo. Later, they were adopted but Baggy was found to be FeLV+ and she came back to me for care for awhile. Baggy succumbed to severe anaemia.

We will cross the bridge when we come to it.

This was this morning’s photo when I visited. Let’s hope Gerald’s fever does not spike again now that the wounds have been lanced and cleaned.

One thing at a time.






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