It was easier than I thought.
I was able to do it singlehandedly, for today.
This is the paraphernalia – a big syringe, iodine, normal saline, Fustadin cream.
Flushing with normal saline for a few times, then followed by diluted iodine (1 part iodine to 19 parts normal saline), press out pus (there was none), and finally, apply the Fustadin cream.
Gerald let me do it all singlehandedly. He’s such a good cat.
The above flushing was done for the shoulder and paw wound (this one is more painful, the vet said, because there are more nerves between the digits). Then, just cleaning and application of Fustadin for the head wound.
Back to plastic e-collar for now, until the Fustadin sets in. Then, back to the cushiony e-collar.
Twice a day, until full recovery, which is going to take weeks, I’m sure.
We will get there, Gerald. Thank you for being such a good boy!
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