Juno had her dinner of Cubgrub this evening.
As usual, she doesn’t each much at one go. She would eat a bit, then play, and I’ll have to offer the plate of food again. Repeat.
After eating, she went into the litter box and urinated into the cat sand. A milestone! Good girl, Juno.
The she did an extra bonus poop too – it was well-formed. Okay, that’s good.
But, within eight minutes, she went into the litter box to poop again and this time, it was loose stools which smelled.
Pasty stools. Her feet got dirty, so I cleaned her up.
Uh-oh, this is not so good.
But she was active and playing after that.
I offered to see if she wanted to eat again, and she only ate a wee bit. But she was active. I waited for another 30 minutes and there was no more poop.
The loose stools is concerning. Maybe mixing Cubgrub with AD isn’t a good idea, after all. I only switched to AD when she did not poop, but today, she pooped three times.
So the plan now is to just give her Cubgrub. Better don’t mix now.
I went up again to check on Juno 45 minutes after the loose stool episode. She was very active and squeaking. I’ve learnt to read her hunger calls and she seemed hungry again. Maybe after eliminating the smelly bit of loose stool, she felt hungry again? After all, she’s still so small and everything makes a big difference.
So I offered just a bit of Cubgrub.
She ate most heartily. But just that wee bit. Overfeeding is not advisable.
Then, she played.
It’s now been an hour after the loose stool episode. I hope there will be no more loose stools after this.
As the Chinese saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for”. It rings so true. I was wishing and wishing that Juno would poop and she did…three times.
Meanwhile, Riley has taken it upon herself to “look after” Juno from outside the room. She spends her time here, outside the room.
What a wonderful big sister she is. Good girl, Riley!