Gerald yowled all night.
I’m exhausted. I don’t know if the Blondies are too.
I let him out of the cage this morning and he ate his breakfast. But even when out of the cage, he’s yowling.
This morning, I found that Gerald had toppled everything inside his cage, not just the platform but also the metal pieces. Sigh.
I gave him time to stretch his legs and e-collar-off time, but he immediately started licking his shoulder wound, so I had to put the collar back. He needs the plastic collar because if I put on the cushiony collar, he can lick his back paw wound. So, we have no choice but to use the plastic collar.
Did his wound cleaning and there was no pus anymore in both wounds.
Getting a rest. If he is willing to keep quiet when out of the cage, I’ll let him out with the e-collar on. But no, in or out, it makes no difference. If he wants to yowl, he will yowl.
So he is back in the cage now, and it’s been quiet for a few minutes. When he’s quiet, I don’t dare to go in to peep at him because the moment he sees me, he might start yowling again.
Will play it by ear. Hopefully, in time, he will appreciate being out of the cage and will not yowl so much.