Gerald’s bacteria identified

The lab test results finally came back with the identification of the bacteria.

It is the alpha haemolytic streptococci (heavy growth) and Clindamycin is one of the suitable antibiotics. So we shall continue with this course. Gerald has already finished the Baytril.

Today, he didn’t yowl as much as usual. He took long naps, which is good for all of us, but it might also mean he will be wide awake tonight.

The vet asked for photos of Gerald’s wounds, so I sent.

There is no more pus coming out of the wounds, but this shoulder wound still looks as big as before. It’s a very deep pocket and I think it will take months to heal.

This is the paw wound and the vet says it is healing well. Well, it’s a much smaller wound.

Gerald allows me to clean his wounds twice daily without much struggle. He’s a very good boy.






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