I know it is wishful thinking hoping I would have good news saying Indra had pooped out the string.
That did not happen.
The vet just updated that Indra is okay, showing no signs of nausea and has not vomited, which is good. She also has not defecated as well.
A X-ray was done in evening and as expected, there has been no change in the amount of food in the stomach, so the endoscopy could not be done. The vet had already expected this and said the earliest it can be done would be tomorrow afternoon. But I was hoping against hope that the food would have cleared by this evening.
Well, that also did not happen. The vet said there is delay gastric emptying to the small intestine outlet due to the string in the stomach that is blocking the movement of food downwards, so the food will definitely stay longer that it should in the stomach.
Scoping with food in stomach is dangerous because the endoscopy involves pumping air into the system. Distending with air would increase the risk of vomiting during surgery and this increases the risk of aspiration penumonia. This is why we have to wait until the food is cleared. Hopefully it would be by tomorrow afternoon.
Hope is all we have. Hope, hope, hope….
Indra’s blood tests came back “okay” with nothing alarming.
She was given Gabapentin to calm her and is on drip to keep her hydrated as she has to be fasted. So far, she is still very alert.
I’ve been explaining to Samantha, Kai, Akira and Riley that Indra has to stay at the hospital until she gets better. I don’t know if they understand.
I’m not holding up too well myself too. There has been too much to handle lately, and Indra’s case happened suddenly. Last year, Akira was able to pass out two pieces of string (the same material, but maybe shorter) before I even knew she had swallowed them. I thought Indra would be able to do the same so I hadn’t expected it to be so serious. But luckily I did not take any chances and took Indra to the vet’s.
String-swallowing is to be treated as a medical emergency.
I wish I could just fast forward my life to a few days down the road where Indra would already be back home, safe and sound.
There’s just too much on this camel’s back now…