Indra is back from the vet’s.
It’s mild sneezing. The 1/4 tab Cetirizine I had given earlier seemed to have reduced the sneezing by a lot.
So the vet said to continue with 1/2 tab Cetirizine for another two days, Vetri DMG can be given for more days, L-Lysine twice daily. She should be fine. If she has nasal mucus, then 1/2 Bromhexine can be given. Otherwise, this is not needed.
The PBF shows nothing significant; not even elevated WBC. Her temperature is normal. Her lungs are all clear.
While at the vet’s, I think Indra tried to “eat” the towel I had placed in the carrier, so we quickly removed that. Goodness, Indra….what don’t you eat?
Back home!
I wish you ate your raw food as fervently as you do strings, Indra!
She only had two soft sneezes while at the vet’s. I hope she recovers quickly and it will be spread to the other cats.
The vet confirmed this sneezing is totally unrelated to her endoscopy.