The No. 1 babysitter

Riley is a very caring and responsible babysitter for Juno, as she was for the Blondies one year ago.

She keeps an eye out for Juno and also plays with her. They are getting along very well.

I guess it’s a good decision to put Juno with Riley and Tabs and not with the Blondies. I don’t want (and I hope!) Juno picking up the Blondies’ bad habits like peeing all over the place whenever they like or worse, demanding for kibble and not eating their raw food at meal times. So far, Juno eats four times a day, all raw.

But then again, Riley and Tabs also have kibble. Tabs – because she “qualifies” for the “as long as they eat” privilege and Riley – because she’s also a kibble junkie.

Give it a year and they might be of the same size and I’ll have a hard time figuring out who’s who!

The perfect babysitter!





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