What’s wrong, Juno?

Juno was eating really well and playing actively last night. In fact, she was still active in the middle of the night.

Then, this morning, she didn’t want to eat, but was still active. I offered various kinds of food and she only ate very, very little. A bit later, she wasn’t active anymore and her gums looked pale (to my untrained eye). I even took her out to the garden to get some sun.

Later, I offered food again, including her favourite quail, but she refused to eat. Finally, I just force fed some Cindy’s baby food so that she has some nutrition.

At 11am just now, I offered various kind of food again, but she refused to eat. Then, I opened a can of tuna, and she ate about 1/3 of the can. After that, she went to sleep.

Something is wrong. She isn’t her normal self.

She finally ate at 11am. But I still think something is wrong. I’m really worried it might be IMHA, like what Hiro had, because this happened so suddenly.

Still okay last night.

Doing the fish pose last night.

Out in the sun this morning.

What’s wrong, little one?

We managed to get a vet’s appointment for today. I hope the vet can help her.






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