Today is my lucky day! After three days of boycotting Cubgrub, Akira ate three helpings today, by herself! Akira only eats Cubgrub and cut-up raw chicken meat. She doesn’t eat Coco&Joe’s. Fussy calico!
Samantha is the easiest amongst them, and next would be Kai. The fussiest are Akira and Indra.
Indra didn’t want to eat. This is her Feline Gut Soothe probiotic mixed with Ciao’s churo treat. She willingly licks it all up by herself.
I later checked the CCTV and Indra’s stools are well formed already this morning. Yay! So I hope her loose stool problem is resolved now, after two days. I will still give her the probiotic for a few more days.
I tried cut-up raw chicken meat later and Indra was willing to eat some when I added some Ciao churo on top. But she didn’t finish it.
Kai went for it instead.
Going, going…
Everyone ate their kibble snack later.