Smurfy has been having an issue at breakfast for a few days now. He refuses to eat with everyone else and prefers to just stay on the platforms. I was able to feed him at the platforms initially, but then, he decided not to eat breakfast.
However, he will eat later and definitely eats all the mid-day snacks and dinner.
He just has a breakfast issue.
This morning, he refused to eat again and would only eat when he went to hide in the big cage and I fed him there. Also, not Coco&Joe’s, only Cubgrub and kibble.
What is the issue, Smurfy?
He will stay on the platforms while the rest eat breakfast. But for dinner and snacks, he comes down and eats with everyone else. Funny, right?
He looks fine too.
Waiting for snacks.
I think it’s probably a territorial issue.
Another territorial issue coming up next…at the porch.
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