Gerald’s fear of Creamy

Gerald was yowling till no end at the back of our house this morning. That probably means Creamy is already in our porch and Gerald is either complaining or telling me how scared he is of Creamy.

So I let him in from the back roof into the upstairs bedroom, hoping he might eat there.

But no, he was also too scared to eat, maybe because he doesn’t associate this place with eating.

Another location, perhaps? Also no.

Riley had come in and I guess Gerald was afraid of Riley as well.

Pressed for time, I just force fed him a bit of food so that his stomach won’t be empty. I know from experience with Gerald that force feeding “doesn’t count” for him, but never mind. So I let him out again since he was afraid (of Riley?).

True enough, Creamy was already waiting in the porch. So I fed him. He certainly had his fill most happily.

Gerald did come back while Creamy was eating. But of course, he was too terrified to eat.

How about under the car? No.

On the bench? Also no.

It was drizzling so I couldn’t try on the grass. Had no choice but just let him be.

Then, suddenly I heard chasing on the ledge and it was actually Gerald chasing Creamy to the back ledge and I saw Creamy jump off to the house at the back with Gerald emerging victorious from the chase. Hmm…

I know there’s something I don’t fully comprehend about the relationship dynamics between Gerald and Creamy. Perhaps I’ve actually got it all wrong too! All I can do is to ensure both Gerald and Creamy get to eat and they don’t go hungry, that’s all. Their relationship issues, they would have to settle it or live with it!

After his victory, Gerald came back to the porch to ask for food.

I know he wants canned tuna, and I was right!

Well, at least I got this right!

It’s raining now and Gerald decided this would be his safe place.

Creamy has gone back “home” to the back road. All is well…for now.





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