Way back, our cats were on Monge cat food and Primal Freeze-Dried. My exploration for different cat food is all because of the Blondies’ fussiness. I figured if they like kibble so much, I have to find a variety for them. Currently, they are only on Cindy’s Naturelle Grainfree kibble.
So a few days ago, I decided to order back the old reliable brands. The Blondies are so deadset on kibble and it’s not a battle that I can win, and even the Monsters too were getting a bit tired of eating the same raw food and sometimes they too walk away. Did they learn this bad habit from the Blondies?
So, my orders arrived today and this is how it went.
First thing first, I soaked the Primal nuggets in water to rehydrate them. I have given dry Primal to the Blondies before too, but Primal is not supposed to be fed dry as the protein content would be way too high. It is supposed to be rehydrated. But that said, ALL our cats, past and present, prefer Primal served dry.
The verdict:
Samantha and Kai ate a fair bit, but did not finish the portion.
Kai and Riley only ate a little bit. Akira rejected it totally.
Tabs wanted the rehydrated Primal, though, but she should not be eating it. The phosphorus content at 1% is too high for her CKD.
Ginger and the Monsters ate it. Only Smurfy walked away. I gave it with their normal raw cut-up chicken meat.
Ginger had his home-cooked food, which he still likes. Thank you, Ginger. You made my day!
So, I don’t think Primal has that “wow” effect on them.
Next up, Monge kibble.
Monge cat food, by the way, is reviewed here by an independent reviewer: https://cats.com/monge-cat-food-review
I bought the Adult.
I mixed it with some of the Cindy’s grainfree kibble for the Blondies and I did not even have time to take a photo. They loved it to the moon and back! Complete sapu habis.
This is their second round. I guess this would be their dinner already. I’m not offering any raw food for this evening.
Normally, my practice is: Raw food first, only if that fails, then only kibble. This is a battle which is getting very tiring, because it’s a losing battle for me. It can be really stressful chasing after them, begging them to eat raw food.
So, the Blondies had a treat today – kibble for dinner!!! They must be surprised. “Eh, she’s not chasing us down today??”
It is still mixed with some Cindy’s in this second round.
Even Riley loved the Monge kibble. Riley is also a very, very fussy cat and would prefer to eat Tabs’ RC Renal kibble or only the RC brand. She won’t eat Cindy’s. But with Monge, she loved it.
I even bought Monge Kitten for Juno, but I won’t be starting this yet. We are still on the mend with the gastro-intestinal issues, so all in good time.
Juno is currently on home-cooked food, Cindy’s canned food with broth, RC Mothercat and Baby kibble, Cindy’s Naturelle Mothercat and Baby kibble.
Judging from today’s verdicts, I think Monge will be here to stay, but not Primal.
Truly, if I could control our cats’ nutrition, it would be raw food and cooked food only. Kibble will be a snack. But I cannot control it! It’s their call.