A new buffet-styled dining for the Blondies

I’m quite done with running after the Blondies begging them to eat twice a day, multiple times at each meal.

So since the past two days, I’ve devised a buffet dining style for them.

I just leave two wide plates of wet food (raw or cooked, it depends) at the very spot at the door where they usually go for their kibble.

And it’s “kalau mahu makan, makanlah”. 

Today, it’s a plate of Coco&Joe’s and a plate of cooked food. Kai and Indra went for the Coco&Joe’s only. Hmm….a good sign.

So I removed the cooked food and offered a plate of Cubgrub and voila…Indra went for it! Better still!

Great, two down, two more to go!

Normally, Samantha would also eat the Coco&Joe’s, but she did not come this morning. It’s Akira whom I have not succeeded in reaching…yet.

Later, I removed the plates and offered two plates of kibble.

Only Samantha ate and Akira didn’t want any! Hah…would you believe that? The kibble princess is walking away from her kibble??

So I took a chance and offered her a bowl of Cubgrub (which is the only raw food she would eat). It was either raw chicken breast meat or Cubgrub, I decided to go with Cubgrub. At least that’s a balanced food.

Wow!! She ate it!!

And even had a second helping!!

Kibble dah jelat, ya? 

The advantage of putting out kibble is that it is dry and it can be left out there for even up to an hour. For wet food, I remove it after 10-15 minutes, tops.

Later, the kibble princess came back to eat her kibble snack and I’m done with the Blondies’ breakfast without the street, frustration and disappointment of running after them and begging them to eat!

Buffet-style it is, then!

Kalau mahu makan, makanlah. Kalau tak mahu, sudah. 

Maybe, just maybe, they don’t like to be “forced” to eat. Maybe they just prefer me leaving the food there and the come on their own free will. Maybe, right?

Whatever it is, as long as they eat!







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