While I tend to lament about how difficult it is to feed the Blondies raw food, Riley is actually the biggest fusspot.
But the consolation is that I can force feed Riley raw food very easily twice a day. And that’s something I cannot do with the Blondies. They cannot be force fed. They must eat on their own. So, the end result is, the Blondies get the least raw food amongst all our cats…simply because they refuse to eat it daily.
Now, Riley is also a kibble-queen and she’s far worse than the Blondies because while the Blondies willingly and happily eat Cindy’s Naturelle Grainfree kibble (all three flavours), Riley walks away from it. Only when desperately hungry will she be willing to eat a bit of it, but at other times, she won’t touch it.
She has learnt that RC Renal kibble is tasty (that’s what Tabs gets) and that’s what Riley wants, but RC Renal has reduced nutrients to cater for chronic kidney disease and it’s not suitable for Riley at all.
Our vet suggested I try RC Neutered Satiety for Riley since she might like the world-renowned RC taste. I bought a pack and guess what, she won’t eat it either and the Monsters and the Blondies had to finish it for her.
Then, I tried Monge, knowing how palatable it is, and how highly rated it is too. And jackpot! Riley loves it!!
This one – Monge Adult. I also bought Monge Kitten for Juno, but believe it or not, Riley does not like this variety. Oh boy….how fussy are you, Riley?
Then, my mind started working and I thought perhaps Riley only likes kibble that are not grainfree, or in other words, wants grains in her kibble?
Cindy’s Naturelle Holistic has a wheat range and a maize range, so I tried this:
Open Farm Chicken is from Cindy’s Holistic (with maize). Riley loved it when first given, along with Juno. The pellet size is so, so small that it’s suitable for kittens too. So I thought I had hit another jackpot.
I was wrong. That was the only time she ate it. And no more after that.
Am I going to try a Cindy’s Holistic with wheat for her? I think not. Monge has rice, being a European cat food. Maybe that’s what she likes? I do know that RC cat food has a lot of grains in it.
So I’ll stick with Monge for Riley for now. And continue force feeding her raw food twice daily (which is a breeze).
Everyone loves Monge cat food!
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