My mycoplasma relapsed last night (don’t worry please, I can still function). As the doctor had said, it’s a “marfan” bacteria. It will keep coming back. (But it didn’t come back for Juno, you know. 14 days on Doxy, kau-tim.)
So, I consulted my brilliant pharmacist and also checked out all my cats’ antibiotics (I have a digitalised record of all my cats’ medical history).
My pharmacist gave me a plan – Transfer Factors Plus Advanced. Try it. Plus Cod Liver Oil.
My cats’ medical history also equipped me with names of antibiotics. I have so much medical history to refer to. After all, of the IV-meds already took away my ability to sleep, so might as well go study the cats’ medical history.
All ready.
Went to the human doctor for my last two drips.
Now, after sixth drip, IV-port removed. No more drip needed.
As my last drip was being administered, I was getting all the names of medicines and discussing with my vet through whatsapp. She helped me check all the medicines.
So I named the antibiotics I wanted, based on what my cats have got. Human doctor agreed.
Let’s hope it works.
Goodbye, IV-drip.
Vets should be paid much, much more. TRULY.
Note to self: Next time sick, check through cats’ medical history first. Then, negotiate with human doctor. Or, straight go to brilliant pharmacist and discuss. Better still, see my vet – ultrasound ada, X-Ray ada, instant blood test ada, semua ada. So many of them. All brilliant. All walking encyclopedias.
Never complain how much a vet charges. They deserve it. I have never complained. Hormat, seribu sejuta kali hormat. Salute!
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