Upstairs – all disinfected and some information about the SJS hazard

Upstairs – all disinfected!
I went to see my pharmacist to ask for advice. I’ve already been dosed with a medication that has the potential to cause Stevens-Johnson’s Syndrome for 3 days without being informed, so what can I do for myself now?
The doctor did not inform me of the potential hazards. Probably didn’t even know? Or thought the “small percentage” did not matter? I don’t know. I’m not going to waste my time confronting them.
What can I do for myself now?
I’ve already checked that symptoms of SJS can manifest in a few days or after 1-3 weeks.
My pharmacist says not to eat/ingest anything new that might trigger an allergic reaction. Just stick to whatever I’ve been eating before. Don’t introduce any new food into your body.
Ok, that’s not too difficult to do. That’s all I can do. And wait, check for symptoms, if any. Hopefully none.
I’m sharing this just in case it happens to our pets too. In case a medication has the potential to cause severe reaction, don’t introduce any new food to your pet during this period of “waiting”. But then again, vets are very responsible professionals and they always tell us everything.  Just like there is a small percentage of animals that might just die from a simple vaccination, or develop vaccination sarcoma (less than 0.01%) or when general anaesthesia is administered for a routine castration or spaying. It can happen. This is why vaccination on animals is always done on the thigh. In case of vaccination sarcoma, that leg can be amputated to save the animal’s life. See? My former senior vet always informed me about the dangers of GA, he would draw up a whole list in writing too. That’s being professional. He does that for every single client. Salute!
My pharmacist agreed that it was unethical of the doctors not to inform me about the potential hazards. Of course it was wrong! I had the right to be informed so that I could have made an informed decision.
Since then, friends have shared their stories too. Not SJS, but reactions to western drugs, going into a coma the instant the injection is given. Doctors being negligent despite next-of-kin telling the doctors which medicines should not be given to their sick relative. From reputable hospitals too, mind you.
We really have to look after ourselves. I remember when I gave birth to my son, it was near Deepavali holiday and the hospital was short-handed. The oxygen tank was empty but the nurse put the mask on me, in the peak of labour. Luckily husband was around and he noticed the oxygen tank was empty.
More horror stories which I shall not share as they are personal.
We’ve scolded doctors and nurses on how they treat our children. Do they even care?
Recently my mum was hospitalised in a reputable hospital too. Bad treatment and I wrote in to complaint. Until today, after months, not a squeak from that reputable hospital. Not even an acknowledgement.
They think we won’t bother suing because it’s such a hassle and they are right. That is why they continue to do what they do.
But vets are different. They are professional and responsible. I am so grateful to all my vets. You’ll see why when I’m sick, I put off going to the human doctor unless I think I am going to die. But when my pets so much as sneeze, I’ll be on the way with them to the vet’s. Because I know I’m going to get quality care from my vets.

To my vets, you are the best!







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