Say NO to fireworks!

The much dreaded New Year’s Eve celebrations are coming soon, then not long after, it would be the equally dreaded fireworks and firecrackers for Chinese New Year and it’s not just one day, it’s probably more than 15 days.

What is cultural/traditional but bad for the planet need not be preserved. I go head-on with this but I’ve received my share of brickbats, but I will still do it.

So, here are some infographics that you might like to share with the diehards who must light up during the festivities. I’ll like to ask them, seriously, are you going to die if you don’t play with fireworks and firecrackers?






One response to “Say NO to fireworks!”

  1. Peggy

    I am with you for this 😡l don’t see why they have to fire all these n all the time 🤷Govt says ban but where? 😡if on one day at one time but all the time at random 😓

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