We were at the park this morning and had the sheer pleasure of sitting quietly and peacefully watching so many different types of birds flying around from tree to tree.
It made me think of what the birds had to go through the nights before when those firecrackers people lit up and converted the park into a war zone with extremely raucous and thunderous noise. I thought of the baby birds in the nests too.
Birds die of shock. This is a known fact.
I appealed to the neighbourhood last year and was told off. I wasn’t planning on appealing again to the deaf ears this year, but seeing those birds made me rethink my decision.
So I decided to write to the neighbourhood…again. I’m no longer in the whatsapp group, but there is a kind neighbour who also loves animals who might be willing to help me post it. So I drafted my message and asked the kind neighbour if she could post it for me. I know, many might not want to for fear of touching on the sensitivities of a certain race, in this case, the Chinese. But my friend consented, so I sent her my message.
Here it is, below. Please feel free to also send one to your neighbourhood chatgroup if you face a similar situation. But remember to be “nice” about it, don’t accuse anyone and do not name any names.
Dear Chinese Neighbours,
Happy Chinese New Year to you and your families.
I am a paying member of the security scheme since we moved here 14 years ago, but recently chose not to be in this whatsapp group anymore. Hence, I have asked my friend, <my friend’s name>, to help me post this message to the group.
This is regarding the lighting up of fireworks and firecrackers at our park/playground. The park/playground has many mature trees and these trees are home to many various species of birds and small critters.
Research tells us that loud noises (especially those from fireworks and firecrackers) cause intense fear to these creatures. Baby birds may die in their nests due to shock. Mother-birds may abandon their nests as well.
Knowing this, I am appealing to you if you could be so kind as to light up fireworks and firecrackers in your own house compound so that the noise can be further away from the trees in our park.
There are also human babies and the elderly living in some houses in our neighbourhood but I shall only speak up for the birds and small critters because they cannot speak for themselves.
Thank you very much for your kind consideration and compassion.
I am not in this whatsapp group so there is no need to reply to this. It is an appeal to your kind hearts.
Thank you.
Best regards,
<signed, my full name>
Birdies, please be safe.
If those people still light up tonight at the park, then I know they couldn’t give two hoots about the birds and the small critters. But at least I know I have spoken up for the voiceless.
We are always the minority, aren’t we? But if we don’t do/say something, who will defend the animals?
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