They did it again last night, with the same fervour: The deafening fireworks and firecrackers, close to midnight. In the park, right under the trees.
So, as expected, my appeal fell on deaf ears and hearts devoid of any compassion for the little birds and tiny critters.
There will always be such people; people who do things for their own enjoyment regardless of the consequences, more so when the consequences are harmful to smaller living beings who can be easily bullied. They think the consequences won’t affect them because they do not understand the web of life and how interconnected we all are.
In doing what we do, especially in our efforts to protect animals, we just have to accept that we will always be the minority. The majority will not care, no matter what you say, no matter how much you plead. That’s just how people are.
This is so, so true, isn’t it?
We would just have to keep protecting the animals because we believe it is the right thing to do. But it would be wise to have zero expectations so that if nothing happens, we won’t be unduly disappointed. But if something positive happens, it would be such a pleasant surprise!
Well, they were at it again last night, despite already being informed how much harm it can cause the baby birds, adult birds and small critters in the park. No surprise there. People just don’t care. Humans are selfish by nature. As long as they get to enjoy themselves, they don’t care about the consequences of their actions.
Another 12 more days of CNY to endure.
There are three brands of people who do harmful things: (1) Those who are ignorant because they don’t know any better but will stop doing it after being told how harmful their actions are, (2) Those who just don’t care even after being informed how harmful their actions can be because they are plain selfish, (3) Those who not only don’t care, but continue doing harmful actions out of pure spite.
The second type is the majority. Beware of the third type – they are dangerous and toxic. They have lost touch with their thinking brain and are totally controlled by emotions. They operate on hatred, anger and revenge.
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