Cathy wrote in for her friend, Farida:
My friend, Farida (she sent her other rescue cat, Noah for neutering under Animalcare some months back) managed to finally capture the mother cat who’s been giving birth numerous times under her staircase and after keeping her for 2 months (her name is Koko and was pretty feral) to get her used to being touched. She also rescued a kitten (Kiki) around the same time who found it’s way to her garden. They are now ready to be spayed so Farida has asked if Animalcare could help again? I have asked her to give a donation back to the fund which she has agreed to do.
So Cathy helped send the two cats, Koko and Kiki, to our panel vet today and both have already been spayed. Cathy collected them back for Farida as she was at work.
The spaying for both is sponsored from our funds. We thank Farida for her RM150 donation towards our fund. And thank you, Cathy, for helping out with everything.