Dine like a pauper…

Breakfast like a king, Lunch like a prince and Dine like a pauper, that’s what they say.

Here’s continuing my “series” on cooking for dummies…

This is my dinner today:

It only took me 8 minutes to wash the veggies in the detoxifier; and about 2 minutes to cook it.

It contains carrot, red capsicum, cauliflower, pumpkin and choy sum, fried with a fistful of boiled millet.

And no animal parts.

Method: Heat oil, dump all the veggies in, stir-fry, then dump the millet in, stir. Put natural seasoning and liquid aminos and you’re done. I didn’t even put garlic ‘coz I was too lazy.

The secret to eating little (but enough) is to CHEW SLOWLY. No socializing. No multi-tasking. When you eat, just eat – chew slowly and many times, and savour the taste. Mindful eating – it’s a form of meditation.

Happy dining!

Be kind to the animals.







2 responses to “Dine like a pauper…”

  1. Connie

    I’m reading this at 2.05am. It look so tasty & made my stomach grumbling!

  2. Looks yummy!
    Far better that my roti canai that I wallop whenever I do Meatless Monday! 🙂 hehehehe

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