Here for a Reason in San Francisco!

Here’s our cover artist, Angeline Thong’s cat, sniffing at two copies of my latest book, Here for a Reason, and our tshirt, in San Francisco!

We wish to thank Angeline Thong again for contributing the cover to this book. It is an original drawing by Angeline.

We printed 3000 copies of this book for free distribution. If you would like to have copies for distribution to family and friends, please write in:  The book is bilingual (English and Chinese).

Help us spread the CNRM message far and wide!

Meanwhile, all my books in storage is under the care of a most reliable guard…

 I only dispatch according to orders received.

 Nobody gets past these books without my approval.

 I take my job very seriously. 






2 responses to “Here for a Reason in San Francisco!”

  1. maslina binti omar

    Dear Animalcare,
    can i have Here For A Reason book? please let me know the postage cost.

    1. chankahyein

      Here are the details: Pls write to me at with your details.

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