What is “EM”?

A friend gave me this concoction of effective microorganisms (EM) yesterday. It’s like garbage enzyme in that you mix it with water, but here’s what attracted me to the concoction – it’s supposed to be super effective in getting rid of odours, especially pet urine odours!

Of course I must try it.

My garbage enzyme has not been very effective in doing the job…



The result:

INCREASED massive spraying!

But wait, this is NOT necessarily a bad thing.

Here’s why….

The increased massive spreading could only mean one thing, ie. this EM is effective in getting rid of the smells. Cow & Bunny sensed that their smells are gone, hence, they have started spraying massively now.

Hmm…so, my plan now is to use this EM aggressively to hopefully get rid of their urine smells first (yes, and combat the increased spraying as well), then, think of Plan B. Plan B might be to replace the removed urine smells with their under-the-chin smells.

I shall be resourceful…..

Wish me luck, folks!

P.S. According to my friend, she uses it for her plants as well (as a growth enhancer) and also adds it into her dog’s drinking water. It’s effective in removing odours.

Our disclaimer holds, as usual.






3 responses to “What is “EM”?”

  1. Chen

    Yep, it’s also great for compose making because it breaks down the material fast with minimum smell. EM is one of the great stuff I love. I wish that more places sell and promote it and make it easily affordable for all households. How does your friend get it?

    1. chankahyein

      My friend ferments it herself. She’ll be selling it soon, I hope!

  2. Chen

    Woweee! I hope she’ll be selling it too. I’ve been searching for a good reliable and affordable supply for years.

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