We have a very special patchwork bedspread up for auction, donated by Ms Ooi, who is the sister-in-law of Kinabalu-Kon (Kon, who led the Kinabalu-4 youngsters up the highest peak in Malaysia and raised RM16,000 for AnimalCare in December 2012).
This patchwork is painstakingly done with a lot of effort as it consists of hexagons. Those who do patchwork would know that it requires hand-tacking the cloth to a piece of manila card before sewing each hexagonal piece. Definitely more work than the square and rectangular designs that I do!
However, this piece is done with polyester cloth, so it may not be suitable as a blanket, more as a bedspread.
It measures 64″ by 89″, and is huge and heavy!
Auction Rules:
1. Please check the latest comment for the latest bid before putting in yours.
2. All bids are placed as comments on this blogpost. All comments will be published instantly in chronological order.
3. The auction ends at 5pm, on Wednesday, 13th November 2013 (please take note of the time, ie. 5pm).
The highest bidder wins!
100% of the winning bid will be channeled to our Fund for the animals.
Do we hear RM200?
The bids as they come in:
13th November:
At 4.46pm, Pooi Ling bids RM1000.
At 2.11pm, Chucky & Blackie bid RM888.
At 7.16am, Wine Dogs bid RM400.
12th November:
At 6pm, Melle bids RM200.
It measures 64″ by 89″, which is most suitable as a bedspread.
The patchwork is sewn onto a piece of cloth and it has a purple backing.
I think it would take me “forever” to do a piece like this!
Kon’s wife, Siew Ee, says her sister used left-over materials to do this piece, which makes it very eco-friendly, which is the whole intention of patchwork!
Happy Bidding!!
We wish to thank Ms Ooi for donating her masterpiece to us for auction which in turn will help many, many animals.
Thank you very much, Ms Ooi!
11 responses to “A special auction: Patchwork bedspread!! (Ends at 5pm, on Wednesday)”
Now this gotta be worth more than 1010, folks . . . a real steal
WOW … so cheerful and eye-catching!
U bet it is a WOW & an AWESOME …. just imagine all the hexas that go into this piece of artwork … all the luck-luck-luck
D winning bidder is one lucky fella for sure
Er…anyone interested? We are only asking for RM200 (for a start). If no one tops it up, the one who bids RM200 gets the awesome hexagons at 5pm, tomorrow!
Ok, to get the ball rolling. I bid RM200 for this special hexagon blankie.
Er … anyone interested? Hmmm .. N I thought there was already an expression of interest at 1.22pm
Oh, did you bid at 1.22pm? Sorry…how much, please?
Oops did too much last min $$ shopping recently already but agree this Hexagon blankie deserves more than just a starting bid.RM400 pls!
Woof,woof,woof RM888,please
RM1000 please….