Cat at the Window (Bag No. 14) – up for auction!

To all black cats (particularly our little pygmy cat, Vixey), thou art beautiful!

In celebration of all black cats, we bring you “Cat at the Window”, Bag No. 14 – up for auction!


Cow and Indy love the bag!

Auction Rules:

1. Please check the latest comment for the latest bid before putting in yours.

2. All bids are placed as comments on this blogpost. All comments will be published instantly in chronological order. 

3. The auction ends at 5.00pm, on Sunday, 22nd June 2014.

Note: Please monitor this post near closing time if you want to ensure that you are the highest bidder.

100% of the winning bid will be channeled to our Fund for the animals.

Do we hear RM50?

The bids as they come in:

22nd June:

We are looking at an epic auction here, so who says black cats are bad luck, ya? 

At 4.25pm, Ah Yap bids RM1200.

At 4.15pm, PC Leong bids RM999.

At 1.04pm, Ah Yap bids RM788.

At 12.42pm, PC Leong bids RM488.

On 20th June:

At 8.27pm, Ah Yap bids RM450!

At 8.00pm, PC Leong bids RM388 (breaking his own record!!)

Would we hear higher than RM350, by any chance?  

At 6.21pm, Ah Yap bids RM350 (note: RM350 is on record, the highest bid for a bag, the Christmas Bag (No.2) by PC Leong!)

At 2.50pm, PC Leong bids RM333.

At 2.04pm, Khalifa bids RM200.

At 12.14pm, Yellow Bird bids RM188.

The making:


Ming-Yi drew the cat on tracing paper.

I brought the canvas back and matched it with cloth from our stash to do the window and frame.

mini-P6160024 mini-P6160025

I chose blue shades since it matches well with black.


Then, the canvas went back to mum for her to do the black cat.


It’s done! And the ear is notched. The cat is neutered!


And mum did this stencil on tracing paper for the back.


Here’s the back!

Now, the finished bag…

mini-P6200054 mini-P6200056Endorsed by Cow and Indy.

A bag done by three generations in our family – My mum, my daughter and me!

Happy Bidding and thank you very much for your kind support!







18 responses to “Cat at the Window (Bag No. 14) – up for auction!”

  1. yellow bird

    Howdy Dr Chan! RM188 please..

  2. Khalifa

    What a beautiful bag….the cat matches one of my baby…RM200 pls

  3. pcleong

    A cat lover’s dream …… $333 ..sang-sang-sang

    50hrs 09mins … to go

    1. chankahyein

      Hi PC, I will record it as RM333 first, but if you mean Euro333 or some other (higher!) currency, please do let me know! 🙂

  4. pcleong

    Alas … a softening?

  5. Ah Yap

    What softening?? RM350

  6. pcleong

    U r right … y soften when u can harden & make it a record … $388

  7. Ah Yap

    Yes PC, let’s race till the end. RM450

  8. Khalifa

    Hmm…too bad I cant continue bidding…no more budget….sob…sob….Anyway happy bidding to Ah Yap and PC Leong…

  9. Chloe Yap

    Wow, this could be the most interesting bidding ever.

  10. pcleong

    hmmm …. all quiet 4hrs 17 mins to go

    this one for you Ah Yap … $488

  11. Ah Yap

    Finally! PC come out from his cave!
    We step up a bit. RM788

  12. pcleong

    oh 47 mins to record breaking for a one of a kind bag

    N one up for our furry friends … y not?

    up-ping to an auspicious RM999

  13. Ah Yap

    Is that all you got PC? RM1200

  14. pcleong

    Yes Mr Ah Yap …. that’s all I have left in my piggy this round

    Fight another day

    U win … congrats!!

  15. Ah Yap

    Are you sure PC? 5mins & counting.. tick tock tick tock

  16. Maneki Neko

    I had to rub my eyes to be sure I wasn’t seeing extra zeros! Ah Yap and pcleong, you rock! 🙂

  17. pcleong

    Yes I am sure Ah Yap … u win

    But my offer to the furry friends stands

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