Green Polka (Blanket No. 53) – up for auction!


Auction Rules:

1. Please check the latest comment for the latest bid before putting in yours.

2. All bids are placed as comments on this blogpost. All comments will be published instantly in chronological order. 

3. The auction ends at 5.00pm, on Tuesday, 22nd July 2014.

Note: Please monitor this post near closing time if you want to ensure that you are the highest bidder.

100% of the winning bid will be channeled to our Fund for the animals.

Do we hear RM150?

The bids as they come in:

22nd July:

At 4.45pm, Faizati bids RM250.

20th July:

At 1.41pm, PF bids RM200.

At 1.34pm, Irenelance bids RM151.


This is a two-layered cotton patchwork without padding in between.

It measures 48 inches by 70 inches.


These three pieces of cloth are contributed by Agnes Cheong. We added our own cloth to complete the design.

Thank you very much, Agnes!


The design is exclusively Ginger and Heidi’s.


Sewing and topsewing by me, under strict supervision by Ginger.

mini-PC290243 mini-P4270676

 Backing in matching green, by my mum.

For a donation of RM150, you will be sponsoring the neutering of a dog or a cat’s and two vaccinations. Neutering and vaccination save lives on the street. In return for your generous donation, you get a homesewn blanket which will last you a lifetime.

Happy bidding and thank you very much for your support!







4 responses to “Green Polka (Blanket No. 53) – up for auction!”

  1. irenelance

    RM151 pls

  2. PF


  3. pcleong

    timely …. very raya-ly

  4. faizati


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