Hiro ate a little bit of Cubgrub’s Rabbit and some Coco&Joe’s this morning.
It took a bit of coaxing but he is eating on his own, which is a miracle.
But he would eat and stop, then I had to change the location and he would eat again. Small amounts at a time.
Then he got tired of Rabbit, so I offered some Coco&Joe’s. And he ate some too!
Little by little…
I’m still exploring how else I can help Hiro. Will check with the vet before doing anything.
Thank you very much for your kind messages in support of Hiro.
I’m sure Hiro knows and he is very grateful. Despite being so weak, he still socialises with us. He is, as I’ve said right from the start, such a good little kitten.
2 responses to “Good morning, Hiro”
I play with the ears to induce appetite n it works!
Thank you, Agnes.