The technique of feeding Ginger

As we all grow old, we come with various health problems. It is the same with our pets too.

Ginger has a vomiting problem if he eats too fast. Whether it is just because of eating too fast or some underlying problem, I don’t really know, but I do have a way to prevent it.

The trick is to offer him a little bit of food at a time. It’s not easy because Ginger eats with the Monsters who eat like, well, monsters!

So, it takes time to feed Ginger, a little bit at a time.

Lynx has always been a food thief since he was young (old habits die hard), so he’s the one I have to stop from stealing Ginger’s food. The rest of the Monsters respect the personal space and bowl of each cat.






One response to “The technique of feeding Ginger”

  1. Peggy

    Ya we are the protector of the slow eaters. My Oreo is small size n also eats slow so the big ones will finish theirs n put their heads into his bowl so got to put him separately but he likes eating with them together so l kena jaga or else he’ll just give in to them. He was rescued a tiny kitten in the septic tank hole n he’s still small size. Sigh ….

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