A kind person sent me this link:
AND…they reunited the dog with his owner…
To all the politicians in Malaysia – Watch and Learn.
THIS is what it means to be an “advanced” country.
First World Country? First World Mentality!
Look after your animals.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. – Mahatma Gandhi.
Unconditional loving-kindness is the greatest wisdom in the world.
3 responses to “Stranded tsunami dog rescued in Japan”
Well said Kah Yein. But do you think they will? Its a question mark.
The dog is reunited with its owner.
Oh, thank GOD and bless all the superheroes who saved this lucky doggie's life. A happy ending indeed. There are still some human who value "lifes". Be GOD with them.